Because clinicians and researchers rely on neurodevelopment data obtained from a variety of non-human species, it is essential to be able to relate studies across the different experimental animals, and ultimately to humans, in an easily accessible format.
This web site is based on a database originally assembled by Finlay and Darlington, 1995 that finds equivalent post conception (PC) dates across mammalian species. The model has subsequently been refined in Clancy et al. 2001 and most recently in Workman et al., 2013.
The model now integrates over 1,000 empirically-derived neural events to translate neurodevelopment time across 18 mammalian species (placental and marsupial mammals) including hamsters, mice, rats, rabbits, spiny mice, guinea pigs, ferrets, opossums, cats, rhesus monkeys and humans.

Citation Information:
If you use information from this web page, please cite the following article:
Workman AD, Charvet CJ, Clancy B, Darlington RB, Finlay BL. 2013. Modeling transformations of neurodevelopmental sequences across mammalian species. J Neurosci. 33: 7368-7383.
Model Updated April, 2013
Changes to the model include:
- New Species (marsupial and additional precocial mammals)
- New Events (up to third year of post-natal life in humans; myelination, brain growth, behavioral milestones)
- Revised Mode
Previous users note!
- Given this is a new model, the predicted dates will vary from those of the prior model. The most change should be expected in the latest predicted dates of the prior model because of the influence of new later events.